Dr. Mabuloo's Voodoo Taxidermy and Technology

Formula Z

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"A Color Out of Space. . . . "

Refinement and marketing of occult "tinctures of life" is not just a dream, it is a reality at MVT&T under the brilliant guidance of our C.E.O., the good doctor Mabuloo B'han du'Lai. Our flagship alchemical suspension, Formula Z, (first introduced to the American public as an active ingredient in the sleep aid Zombian) is "setting the standard for perfection in preventative putrefaction"--'Topics in Taxidermy,' June, 2001. (Please refer to the restricted addendum "Drawbacks of Preservation with Resurrection Technologies: Negative Case Study #TIM-8967390," available with MJ-12 security clearance.)
Formula Z was first distilled and sythesized after studying water samples collected during an engineering project in the early 1920's from local wells near Arkham, Massachussets. Though the original area is now submerged under Arkham Lake, the samples were archived in the chemical libraries of Miskatonic University. Now Formula Z is set to revolutionize the art of Taxidermy. The miraculous active ingredient is suspended in a solution of purely distilled well water. It has no detectible odor, and the flourescent green pulsations assure the cautious user that the product will never be accidentally mis-applied. (Please wear protective gloves and goggles when handling; do not get in mouth or eyes. Avoid prolonged exposure to vapors or direct viewing.)
Results are instantaneous. Previously-living flesh treated with Formula Z begins a process of reverse mummification on contact; replacing deep-muscle rigor mortis with suppleness, while plumping and moisturizing dessicated surface-skin. The inevitable cycle of decay and rot is completely halted, and with repeated application, may be actively reversed. Specimen trophies are easily posed or even animated for dramatic displays. (Please read all directions, warnings, cautionary labels, and statements of liability. Trademarked 'Green Flourescence' identifies proper application.)

Avoid prolonged visual exposure.
CAUTION: Product is not approved for application to living flesh. 'Reverse decay' and 'animation' features may be subject to local law. Not for general use or distribution without proper supervision. MVT&T shall be held harmless for any intentional or accidental product mis-use or handling. In cases of environmental spill, please observe Level Ten decontamination procedures.