Dr. Mabuloo's Voodoo Taxidermy and Technology

"Look deeper into my eyes. . . ."

About Us
Formula Z
Cucumber Men
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Voodoo Mix
The Doctor Dances
Alien Aria
Undead On Stage
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The good doctor Mabuloo B'han du'Lai gained general twenty-first century notoriety after testing and publishing his heretical and highly postulative "Re-Animator Hypotheses." Beginning with a series of electrifying (literally) laboratory experiments planned to create and control hordes of crudely-cloned cucumber men, and later with discovery, classification, registration, and marketing of the recently de-regulated Formula Z (the active ingredient in Zombian sleep aid,) our good doctor has managed to stun the alternative-science cognoscenti on multiple occassions.
Continuing to research his formative theories, bravely undaunted by the shameless and misguidedly-vile media circus that followed his triumphant restoration and social re-purposing of Tim, (the beloved and self-sacrificing lab assistant,) our good doctor Mabuloo remains at the scalpel's edge of innovation in his role as C.E.O at Modern Voodoo Taxidermy and Technologies, Inc. (NASDAC symbol: MVT&T.)
Miskatonic University continues to provide the good doctor with research assistance and laboratory facilities at the behest of a vague and generous governmental endowment.

"Relax, and trust in my best intentions."